NCR Retail Application Managed Services

NCR is well positioned to help our clients unlock more business value by assuming responsibility for core IT tasks all the way to running the store, freeing you to focus on delighting your customers

NCR Retail Application Managed Services helps you maximize your business value and delegate your focus towards your customer

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About Retail Application Managed Services

  • Enhance Your Operations - by outsourcing repetitive and time consuming tasks to our expert teams, you can run your business faster
  • Keep up with the Pace of Change - Do you struggle to keep up with security, payment, and other ever changing regulations? Our managed services team can keep your software current so you don't have to.
  • Best in Class Processes - Do impactful defects escape to your production environment?  Do you struggle to train your stores on new technology?  Is one IT team caught off guard when another pushes something to your stores?  If any of these sound familiar, NCR can assist you with creating best in class processes to eliminate these problems.
  • A team designed specifically for your business challenges - Learn more and get started today by building a trusted team of NCR experts to help you transform your IT organization!

About Retail Application Managed Services Capabilities

Retail Consulting
  • Experience Led    
  • Transformation Assessment
  • Solution Architecture    
  • Design & Activation
  • Business Readiness    
  • Impact Assessment & Ongoing Benefits Realization
Project Management
  • A robust Project Management methodology is followed and ensures accurate and successful delivery of your project.
  • The NCR Project Manager will collaborate with your Project Manager to create a project plan unique to you and your project.
  • NCR uses modern project management tools ensuring a collaborative nature to project management.
Implementation & Deployment
  • Our technical experts help to ensure that your new software gets properly installed in your lab.
  • We support you through your QA process to ensure your software is ready to be installed in a production environment.
  • We support your team to ensure that your first pilot site goes live successfully.
Testing & Training
  • Retailers must frequently deliver new software capabilities to compete.  NCR can consult with your team to ensure that you have the proper test cases and coverage in place to ensure you are capturing any defects before they enter your production environment.
  • With the right test cases and proper test coverage in hand, NCR can help you to eliminate weeks off of your QA activities with our test automation software.  Support for an optional robotic arm makes pin pad interaction a breeze.
  • As part of your change management process, NCR can help you create and deliver on your end-to-end training needs.

Why Application Managed Services

Expertise and experience:
As a global leader in retail technology, we are uniquely positioned to help your business deliver powerful results.
Reduce costs while getting more done:
Save on salaries, benefits, training, and more.  Rely on NCR’s expertise to help unlock and deliver new business value for your company.
Predictable budget:
Expenses for the services requested are consolidated into one fixed monthly fee

Explore NCR Retail Application Managed Services with one of our retail sales experts

Complete the form below and an NCR Specialist will follow up with you to confirm which package and add-ons will work best for your business.