NCR Payments Solution for Retail

NCR Payment Solutions provides retailers with enhanced control over payments, reduced liability, greater flexibility in improving shopper experience, and the ability to accept new payment types as they emerge. Our solutions are highly reliable, with redundancy built in at many levels. Plus, system health monitoring and alerting help assure continuous online availability.

Payment innovation readiness

NCR Payment Solutions includes a payment gateway and payment processing that supports innovation through adaptive architecture, enabling retailers to rapidly embrace new payment types and improve customer experience.

Freedom of choice

Our payment solutions offer a complete POS platform, PIN pad provider and credit card gateway, offering merchants flexibility to choose the options that best support their business.

Secure payment transactions

Our payment solutions use point-to-point encryption and tokenization to ensure all cardholder data is protected within the PIN pad and the information is only decrypted after it safely arrives at electronic payment datacenters. The same secure flow applies to online transactions as well.

Maintain compliance with regulations

NCR Payment Solutions help merchants maintain continuous compliance with PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard). With built-in P2P encryption, NCR Payment Solutions helps organizations adhere to the PCI standard. It also features flexible EMV deployment and native support for all state-specific eWIC requirements.