
When Spinx needed to get their cleaning program going without increasing wait times, we stepped in. And delivered self-checkout with features designed for c-stores.

“We never imagined that implementing our clean program would lead to better operations as a whole, less wait time and better customer service. NCR is truly helping us run our store.” 

— Stan Storti, President, Spinx

What they needed

Spinx Clean, without the wait

When Stewart Spinks founded Spinx in 1972, he likely didn’t know that nearly 50 years later he’d have over 80 locations in the Carolinas—or that he would need to shift operations in all of those stores because of a pandemic. Today the family-owned convenience store has over 1,400 employees serving thousands of people fresh coffee and a wide selection of hot, freshly made food every day. When the pandemic hit, they needed to make sure customers could safely shop (and staff could safely work) in their stores so they implemented the Spinx Clean program. But that was going to put a strain on their employees and lead to longer queues, something they were already concerned about. 

What we delivered

Self-checkout, c-store style

NCR Professional Services used their expertise to put together a strategy with a “quick start” program that includes self-checkout with features specifically designed for c-stores (the team understood Spinx’s unique self-checkout needs like handling products without barcodes). The Professional Services team also oversaw an efficient and thorough SCO implementation—complete with Spinx’s brand color and fonts—and if anything goes wrong, they’re always ready to be of service.

What happened next

46 seconds down to 28.4, during a pandemic

They were able to successfully get their Spinx Clean program up and running while saving and reallocating labor and reducing (rather than increasing) queue times—setting them apart from their competition. Customer wait times used to be, on average, 46 seconds now they’re 28.4 seconds. And before self-checkout only 22% of their customers had no wait time, which improved to 44%. Additionally, 33% of their customers waited longer than 60 seconds before SCO and now only 4% of them do. So, Spinx is improving the checkout experience, reallocating the saved labor to implement their Spinx Clean program and becoming the cleanest c-store retailer around.