NCR's Board of Directors is elected by the stockholders to govern the affairs of the Company. The board selects the senior management team, which is charged with the conduct of the Company's business. Having selected the senior management team, the Board acts as an adviser to senior management and monitors its performance. It reviews the Company's strategies, financial objectives and operating plans. The board also plans for management succession of the Chief Executive Officer, as well as other senior management positions, and oversees the Company's compliance efforts. To help discharge its responsibilities, the NCR Board of Directors has adopted the NCR Corporation Board of Directors Corporate Governance Guidelines on significant corporate governance issues. These guidelines address such matters as director independence, committee membership and structure, meetings and executive sessions, director selection, retirement, and training, among other things.
Stockholders or interested parties wishing to communicate directly with the Board, the independent Lead Director or any other individual director, the Chairman of the Board, or NCR’s independent directors as a group are welcome to do so by writing to the Company’s Corporate Secretary at NCR Corporation, 864 Spring Street NW, Atlanta, Georgia 30308-1007. The Corporate Secretary will forward appropriate communications. Any matters reported by stockholders relating to NCR’s accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters will be referred to members of the Audit Committee as appropriate. Anonymous and/or confidential communications with the Board may also be made by writing to this address.