Bay Federal Credit Union

How did one California-based credit union spike mobile banking app usage by 400%? They turned to NCR for one of the highest-rated experiences in the industry.
“The design of the platform is oriented to the user, rather than built around the technology…[which] makes a huge difference in how members experience the online and mobile solution. The proof of this experience is in our app store ratings, which are on par with or better than the largest banks in the country.

— Ryan Cash, Vice President, Chief Experience Officer, Bay Federal Credit Union
What they needed

More modern, powerful digital banking

Bay Federal’s legacy digital banking solution didn’t have the robust features, like budgeting tools, account aggregation and money movement tools, that their new and existing members wanted. They’d also heard from members who were dissatisfied with the usability of their digital banking solution. Dedicated to providing outstanding service, Bay Federal wanted a better way to serve its members.

What we delivered

NCR Digital Banking

Bay Federal sent out an RFP to survey several digital banking providers and compare their features, functionality and technology. Though this process, Bay Federal found many providers who offered the kinds of modern capabilities its existing solution lacked. But NCR stood out with our modern design and user-friendly interface — one of the main features they were seeking.

What happened next

4.8 stars—and 400% more usage

Bay Federal’s members love their new digital banking solution, with adoption and usage rates steadily increasing since the switch to NCR. Since going live with NCR Digital Banking, they:

  • Saw a 400% increase in mobile app usage
  • Had a 4.8-star App Store rating, one of the highest national ratings
  • Increased online transactions that exceeded in-branch transactions after one year
  • Boosted their Net Promoter Score to +75